Tuesday, January 25, 2011

'Will You Marry Me?'

So a friend recently asked me about Valentine photos and mentioned proposal photos. I hadn't thought about doing that, but then I thought it may be a good idea! :) So here it is!

I think that this was a good idea. I have thought about and kinda wished that I had photos from my proposal. My husband proposed to me Christmas Eve 2007 while we were in Florida on vacation. We went down to the ballpark in town to throw the softball at the fields. I threw him the ball and he purposely missed it (although I didn't know that at the time.) He pulled out a softball from his bag and threw it back to me. As I pulled the ball out of my glove to throw it back I noticed the writing on it. Printed on the ball it read "Marry Me Brittany" How could I resist that?! I mean after all it was related to one my favorite things to do! I remember looking at the ball, looking up at him and running full speed and tackling him while he showed me the ring which was also amazing! I remember him asking me "So is that a yes?" because I was so excited that I had forgotten to answer! :) But of course I said Yes! He did GOOD! :)

Hope everyone has a GREAT week!

<3 Brit