Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's FINALLY the Weekend!

Is it just me or has this week gone by VERY slowly? I woke up today thinking it was Friday :\

After a long and snowy week, I am headed this weekend to good old Warsaw, Indiana! Before moving back here to Ohio this past summer Warsaw had been my home for the past 6ish years. I guess you can say when I went off to college I just stayed :) So you can imagine how excited I am to be going back to visit all my friends and catching up! Also another HUGE thing I get to do is get my very first massage for a whole hour!!!! I got a gift certificate as a gift, and you betcha that I am certainly gonna use it! I can't wait!!

Also on Saturday I will be taking photos at a couple group homes for the Cardinal Center in Warsaw. The Cardinal Center is a place that supports people with challenges or disabilities in reaching their personal goals. My best friend who works there asked if I would like to take some photos, and I gladly accepted!

So I anticipate this weekend being filled with excitement! Hopefully I can squeeze in a photo adventure and go out to take some photos. I absolutely LOVE that. Just being free and being able to capture whatever you want! Awesome!

I thought I would post a cute and funny photo just because it's almost Friday, and who doesn't love the weekends?! ;)

<3 Brittany