Friday, January 21, 2011

Ready For That Hot Weather!

Could it possibly get any more colder then it already is?! Of course! This is Ohio, and the weather changes everyday! :) My studio is absolutely FREEZING! I have some special promotional flyers that I want to pass out, but I am afraid I may freeze to the sidewalks! (Okay that was an exaggeration but close to the truth.)

I am very excited with some new things I am designing here at the studio. I am working on the "Watch Me Grow" photo package for the older kids. I had posted the Baby Club one in a previous post, and I am working on the above age 1 year group. I should be getting that all finished and worked out. I will have it posted on the studio's facebook page, my page and the studios website as well.

Valentine's Day and Easter are coming up shortly, and the studio is going to have some special things for those holidays. If you would like more information on those, you can email me at or send me a message on facebook. I will give you some more information on those days.

I also am working on a sports photo project. Since I am coaching I can try this out on my seniors and possibly the rest of the team. I have some cool ideas for posters, and if it turns out this may become something I can do with other teams and schools as well!

Well I hope everyone has a GREAT day! TGIF, and go build a snowman out there! :)

<3 Brit

P.S. Softball Season is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!