Monday, January 17, 2011

This weekend I got a chance to take some photos of residents at a home with the Cardinal Center. I had a great time, and I would love for them to have me back to do some other homes as well! I met some really cool people, and they made me laugh and smile. I always love when I can photograph a family or event and the people make me smile and feel good. :) Although I can't post the photos because of privacy laws with this kind of organization, I can tell you that I think the photos turned out great.

I am praying that I can get this 2nd job and a new jeep that will make my travels a lot easier then having to fit all my photo equipment and me into my mustang.

My hopes for 2011 is that I can get into some schools for photos and possibly some sporting event opportunities. Of course I have MUCH BIGGER plans and things I want to do with the studio.

Also remember that my studio is connected to an organization called Autumn's Angels which helps with families in need and children with disabilities. If you or anyone you know may want to donate clothes, toys, money, anything you think may help out you can drop them off at my studio. You may call or email me for more information about that.

Also if your organization or sport team is thinking about raising money I have a pretty good fundraising program that doesn't cost you a thing to do. Call, email or stop by the studio if you would like more information with that as well.

Hope everyone has a great week and be careful on the roads with the snow and ice coming! One day closer to the weekend! :)

<3 Brit