Tuesday, January 25, 2011

'Will You Marry Me?'

So a friend recently asked me about Valentine photos and mentioned proposal photos. I hadn't thought about doing that, but then I thought it may be a good idea! :) So here it is!

I think that this was a good idea. I have thought about and kinda wished that I had photos from my proposal. My husband proposed to me Christmas Eve 2007 while we were in Florida on vacation. We went down to the ballpark in town to throw the softball at the fields. I threw him the ball and he purposely missed it (although I didn't know that at the time.) He pulled out a softball from his bag and threw it back to me. As I pulled the ball out of my glove to throw it back I noticed the writing on it. Printed on the ball it read "Marry Me Brittany" How could I resist that?! I mean after all it was related to one my favorite things to do! I remember looking at the ball, looking up at him and running full speed and tackling him while he showed me the ring which was also amazing! I remember him asking me "So is that a yes?" because I was so excited that I had forgotten to answer! :) But of course I said Yes! He did GOOD! :)

Hope everyone has a GREAT week!

<3 Brit

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ready For That Hot Weather!

Could it possibly get any more colder then it already is?! Of course! This is Ohio, and the weather changes everyday! :) My studio is absolutely FREEZING! I have some special promotional flyers that I want to pass out, but I am afraid I may freeze to the sidewalks! (Okay that was an exaggeration but close to the truth.)

I am very excited with some new things I am designing here at the studio. I am working on the "Watch Me Grow" photo package for the older kids. I had posted the Baby Club one in a previous post, and I am working on the above age 1 year group. I should be getting that all finished and worked out. I will have it posted on the studio's facebook page, my page and the studios website as well.

Valentine's Day and Easter are coming up shortly, and the studio is going to have some special things for those holidays. If you would like more information on those, you can email me at or send me a message on facebook. I will give you some more information on those days.

I also am working on a sports photo project. Since I am coaching I can try this out on my seniors and possibly the rest of the team. I have some cool ideas for posters, and if it turns out this may become something I can do with other teams and schools as well!

Well I hope everyone has a GREAT day! TGIF, and go build a snowman out there! :)

<3 Brit

P.S. Softball Season is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

This weekend I got a chance to take some photos of residents at a home with the Cardinal Center. I had a great time, and I would love for them to have me back to do some other homes as well! I met some really cool people, and they made me laugh and smile. I always love when I can photograph a family or event and the people make me smile and feel good. :) Although I can't post the photos because of privacy laws with this kind of organization, I can tell you that I think the photos turned out great.

I am praying that I can get this 2nd job and a new jeep that will make my travels a lot easier then having to fit all my photo equipment and me into my mustang.

My hopes for 2011 is that I can get into some schools for photos and possibly some sporting event opportunities. Of course I have MUCH BIGGER plans and things I want to do with the studio.

Also remember that my studio is connected to an organization called Autumn's Angels which helps with families in need and children with disabilities. If you or anyone you know may want to donate clothes, toys, money, anything you think may help out you can drop them off at my studio. You may call or email me for more information about that.

Also if your organization or sport team is thinking about raising money I have a pretty good fundraising program that doesn't cost you a thing to do. Call, email or stop by the studio if you would like more information with that as well.

Hope everyone has a great week and be careful on the roads with the snow and ice coming! One day closer to the weekend! :)

<3 Brit

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's FINALLY the Weekend!

Is it just me or has this week gone by VERY slowly? I woke up today thinking it was Friday :\

After a long and snowy week, I am headed this weekend to good old Warsaw, Indiana! Before moving back here to Ohio this past summer Warsaw had been my home for the past 6ish years. I guess you can say when I went off to college I just stayed :) So you can imagine how excited I am to be going back to visit all my friends and catching up! Also another HUGE thing I get to do is get my very first massage for a whole hour!!!! I got a gift certificate as a gift, and you betcha that I am certainly gonna use it! I can't wait!!

Also on Saturday I will be taking photos at a couple group homes for the Cardinal Center in Warsaw. The Cardinal Center is a place that supports people with challenges or disabilities in reaching their personal goals. My best friend who works there asked if I would like to take some photos, and I gladly accepted!

So I anticipate this weekend being filled with excitement! Hopefully I can squeeze in a photo adventure and go out to take some photos. I absolutely LOVE that. Just being free and being able to capture whatever you want! Awesome!

I thought I would post a cute and funny photo just because it's almost Friday, and who doesn't love the weekends?! ;)

<3 Brittany

New Blog!

I decided to create a blog to keep everyone updated on special promotions, events, and activities that will be happening with the studio. 2011 is going to have lots of new and exciting things happening! One of which is 'Watch Me Grow' Baby Club that will document your baby's first year of life. It seems like there is something in the water these days and everywhere you look someone you know is expecting a small bundle of joy. Join our Baby Club and get photos that will last a lifetime and have those treasured moments to share with loved ones. Here is what this $550 package includes for you...

I also decided that it wasn't fair to do a baby plan without having a plan for older kids too, so I created the program for photos past that 1 year mark. It is a portrait plan designed to document the first 5 years of your little ones life. All too often, parents document the first year with photos and then after that the portraits stop. I don't want to see that happen to my clients and want to build a life long relationship with the children. So check back here often, and I will have that information posted as soon as I can.

Hope everyone has a great day! Hang in there, the weekend is almost here!

<3 Brittany