Monday, February 7, 2011


I LOVE sports! My number one sport I'm sure everyone knows is softball, but I do enjoy lots of other sports. When I was in high school playing softball at the college level was a MUST for me. I wanted to continue my softball career beyond high school. I played on MANY leagues and played softball in the summers on Miami Valley Xpress softball traveling team where college coaches were always watching you play. One thing I didn't do was make a recruiting video of myself to send to college coaches to the places I was interested in. SO I have decided to intertwine my love and knowledge of sports (all and any sports) into my love and knowledge for photography and graphic design. Very soon I will be offering recruiting videos. All the details haven't been made up yet, but soon I will have all the details written up. If you or someone you know may be interested in some details on this contact me and we can discuss it more. This is an opportunity that I think is a great thing to have. Recruiting videos let college coaches see how you play and many of your fundamentals of the game. Some coaches aren't able to come watch the players in person so recruiting videos are pretty important to them (I know because I have coached college ball.)

So let me know your thought and if anyone you may know is interested! I am very excited for this and hope that many people can get this great opportunity!

(photo of me from college on Senior Day)